Stream using CMAF with Wowza Streaming Engine

Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software version 4.7.8 and later can deliver live streams using CMAF, the open, extensible standard that allows streams to be played over both the HLS and MPEG-DASH protocols. CMAF is disabled by default. CMAF live streams must be enabled manually, by editing an application's configuration in XML.

Configure a live application to deliver CMAF streams

Note: If you're trying to use the CMAF packetizer to deliver LL-HLS and HLS or MPEG-DASH streams, you must use two separate live applications in Wowza Streaming Engine: one configured specifically for LL-HLS and another for CMAF-packetized HLS and MPEG-DASH.

  1. Navigate to [install-dir]/conf/[application-name] and open Application.xml file in a text editor.
  2. In the <Streams> container element, make sure the <StreamType> property is live.
  1. Add cmafstreamingpacketizer to the <LiveStreamPacketizers> property. You can add it to the prepopulated comma-separated list, or it can be the only packetizer specified. For a workflow that only delivers only CMAF streams, the XML looks like this:
  1. For the HTTPStreamers property, make sure both HLS (cupertinostreaming) and MPEG-DASH (mpegdashstreaming) are specified.
<HTTPStreamers>cupertinostreaming, mpegdashstreaming</HTTPStreamers>
  1. Save your changes.

Your live application is configured to deliver CMAF streams to players. If desired, you can edit the packetization properties. For information, see Configure CMAF live streaming packetization in Wowza Streaming Engine. Otherwise, connect your source encoder to Wowza Streaming Engine and publish the live stream.

Note: If you enable cupertinostreamingpacketizer and cmafstreamingpacketizer, Wowza Streaming Engine generates both MPEG-TS segments (using cupertinostreamingpacketizer) and fMP4 segments (using cmafstreamingpacketizer).

Enabling mpegdashstreamingpacketizer and cmafstreamingpacketizer is valid but redundant, as both create fMP4 segments. If both are defined in Application.xml, Wowza Streaming Engine ignores mpegdashstreamingpacketizer and produces one set of fMP4 segments using cmafstreamingpacketizer.

Test stream playback

When the camera or encoder is connected and the live stream is active, preview CMAF playback using a supported test player.

Test CMAF HLS stream playback

To test CMAF-packetized HLS live streams generated by Wowza Streaming Engine, use the Akamai HLS test player.

If only cmafstreamingpacketizer is enabled, specify the stream playback URL using the format: 


If cmafstreamingpacketizer and cupertinostreamingpacketizer are enabled, use the format:



  • [address] is the IP address or domain and port of Wowza Streaming Engine (default port 1935)
  • [application-name] is the application name
  • [application-instance] is the name of the application instance (if omitted, defaults to _definst_)
  • [stream-name] is the stream name

So, for example, if only cmafstreamingpacketizer is enabled, the playlist URL for a CMAF HLS stream that uses the address, an application named myApplication, and the default stream name myStream is:

If cmafstreamingpacketizer and cupertinostreamingpacketizer are enabled, the CMAF HLS playlist URL for the same example is:

Test CMAF MPEG-DASH stream playback

To test CMAF-packetized MPEG-DASH live streams generated by Wowza Streaming Engine, you can use the MPEG-DASH test player on the Video Test Players webpage, which is based on the Shaka Player library.

Note: Alternatively, you can test CMAF DASH playback using the Akamai DASH.js test player

  1. On the Video Test Players webpage, click the MPEG-DASH tab.
  2. Enter the CMAF DASH playback URL for your stream using the format:



  • [address] is the IP address or domain and port of Wowza Streaming Engine (default port 1935)
  • [application-name] is the application name
  • [application-instance] is the name of the application instance (if omitted, defaults to _definst_)
  • [stream-nameis the stream name

For example, the playback URL for an MPEG-DASH stream that uses the address, an application named myApplication, and the default stream name myStream is: 

  1. Click Start.

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