Restream an asset in Wowza Video

Restreaming assets is highly beneficial when your content needs to reach as many viewers as possible. You can achieve this by restreaming your VOD assets as live to one or multiple stream targets such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, or your own website. See Simulcasting: What it is and How it works for more interesting information. You'll use one of the methods below to playback a VOD asset.


To access Asset Management, you should have a subscription to Wowza Video. You should also have uploaded an MP4 to Asset Management or, have recorded content to restream it.

Restream an asset from Asset Management

The Manage Assets page allows you to browse through a library of all your assets. The following steps demonstrate how to restream an asset from the Manage Assets page.

  1. Click Manage Assets in the left navigation bar and choose the asset you want to restream.
  2. Click Edit, slide the asset Status to Published, and click Save.
  3. Click View and then click Re-Stream Asset on the Asset Details page. Wowza Video creates a new live stream that points to your recording. You'll use this live stream to restream the recorded content.
  4. Click Start Live Stream to start restreaming.

Note: If you want to confirm your asset is streaming as expected, copy the Hosted Page URL into a new browser window. Click the play button.

Restream an asset to a specific stream target as live

If you want to restream an asset to a specific stream target like Facebook Live or LinkedIn Live, follow these steps.

Before you start, you should have an asset uploaded to Wowza Video Asset Manager and access to stream targets that will broadcast your stream. You should keep the asset ready to be re-streamed.

  1. Select the asset you want to restream and click Restream Asset. Wowza Video creates a new live stream that points to your recording. Make note of your live stream name, usually formatted as "Live Stream: Restreamed Asset (unique ID)".
  2. Find the asset in Transcoders using the Transcoder ID you fetched from the earlier step.
  3. Select Outputs & targets and find the passthrough rendition which should be the first rendition on the tab.
  4. Click Add a stream target button and create a target for one or multiple locations (create one stream target at a time).
  5. Go to Manage Assets page and click Restream Asset.
  6. Click Start stream and it will send streams to the selected targets.

Note: For more information on the limit of stream targets for an output rendition, see How many targets can I assign to an output rendition?

Schedule an asset to restream at a later date or time

Schedules allow you to automatically start or stop a live stream or transcoder at a predetermined date and time. You can configure a schedule to start and/or stop a live stream or transcoder just once, or you can configure it to repeat the behavior on a regular basis.

Note: You can also schedule a re-stream of an asset through the Schedules page. See Schedules setup page in Wowza Video for more information.

  1. Click Manage Assets in the left navigation bar and choose the VOD asset you want to restream.
  2. Click Edit, slide the asset Status to Published, and click Save.
  3. In the Edit Asset page, set the status of the asset to Published and click Save.
  4. Click Restream Asset. Wowza Video creates a new live stream that points to your recording. Make note of your live stream name, usually formatted as "Live Stream: Restreamed Asset (unique ID)".
  5. Click Available Streams and find your new live stream in the list.
  6. Click Add Schedule and assign a name to the Schedule.
  7. Set the Start and Stop times and click Save.

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