Use nDVR recording with the Wowza Streaming Engine Java API

This article explains how to control nDVR recording using a Wowza Streaming Engine HTTP provider.

Configure nDVR

By default, nDVR starts recording a stream as soon as the stream starts. However, the startRecordingOnStartup property can be set to false in your Application.xml file (under <DVR>/<Properties>.


This will cause the recorder to initialize, but it won't start recording until ILiveStreamDvrRecorder.startRecording() is called.

nDVR recording process

The recording process consists of:


  1. Getting the ILiveStreamDvrRecorder recorder class from the live stream using IMediaStream.getDvrRecorder().
  2. (Optional) Setting the recording name via ILiveStreamDvrRecorder.setRecordingName().
  3. Start the recording via ILiveStreamDvrRecorder.startRecording().
  4. Stop the recording using ILiveStreamDvrRecorder.stopRecording().

Example HTTP provider

The example below demonstrates nDVR recording using an HTTP provider. An HTTP provider is an extension to Wowza Streaming Engine that can be attached to a HostPort definition in [install-dir]/conf/VHost.xml and can be controlled via a URL. For more information, see Use HTTP providers with the Wowza Streaming Engine Java API. The class below is an HTTP provider that controls starting and stopping DVR recording.

Use the Wowza IDE to compile this class into a .jar file and copy it to the [install-dir]/lib folder in your Wowza Streaming Engine installation. Then add this HTTP provider to the <HostPort> (Port 8086) /<HTTPProviders> container in [install-dir]/conf/VHost.xml. This HTTP provider should be added before the HTTPServerVersion HTTP provider, which is typically last in the <HTTPProviders> container for the host port.


Using the HTTP provider

nDVR recording can be controlled with the HTTP provider with a URL that uses the format:



  • [wowza-ip-address] is the IP address of the Wowza Streaming Engine server.
  • [application-name] is the application name the stream is running on.
  • [stream-name] is the stream name of the live source stream to be recorded.
  • [recording-name] is the name of the recorded store. This is optional and defaults to [stream-name] if not specified.

Set RecordingName

If [recording-name] is set, instead of recording the stream to [install-dir]/dvr/[application-name]/[app-inst]/[stream-name].[version], the recording is made to [install-dir]/dvr/[application-name]/[app-inst]/[recording-name].[version].

To play the recording, you would specify [recording-name] instead of [stream-name] in the playback URL. For example, if the incoming stream name is myStream and the recording name is myRecording, you would specify this URL for iOS devices:


Code example

Here's the code example for controlling nDVR recording:

package com.wowza.wms.dvrstreamrecord;

import java.util.*;

import com.wowza.wms.application.IApplicationInstance;
import com.wowza.wms.http.*;
import com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLoggerFactory;
import com.wowza.wms.vhost.*;

public class HTTPDvrStreamRecord extends HTTProvider2Base {
    private static final String CLASSNAME = "HTTPDvrStreamRecord";
    private static final Class<HTTPDvrStreamRecord> CLASS = HTTPDvrStreamRecord.class;

    private Map<String, ILiveStreamDvrRecorder> dvrRecorders = new HashMap<String, ILiveStreamDvrRecorder>();

    public void onHTTPRequest(IVHost vhost, IHTTPRequest req, IHTTPResponse resp) {
        if (!doHTTPAuthentication(vhost, req, resp)) {

        WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME + " HTTPRequest");

        Map<String, List<String>> params = req.getParameterMap();

        String action = "";
        String app = "";
        String streamName = "";
        String report = "";
        String recordingName = "";

        if (req.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("get") || req.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("post")) {

            try {

                if (params.containsKey("action")) {
                    action = params.get("action").get(0);
                } else {
                    report += "<BR>" + "action" + " is required";
                WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME + " action: " + action);

                if (params.containsKey("app")) {
                    app = params.get("app").get(0);
                } else {
                    report += "<BR>" + "app" + " is required";
                WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME + " app: " + app);

                if (params.containsKey("streamname")) {
                    streamName = params.get("streamname").get(0);
                    recordingName = streamName; // default to stream name
                } else {
                    report += "<BR>" + "streamname" + " is required";
                WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME + " streamName: " + streamName);

                // If recordingName is specified, use it instead
                if (params.containsKey("recordingname")) {
                    recordingName = params.get("recordingname").get(0);
                    WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME + " recordingName: " + recordingName);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                report = "Error: " + ex.getMessage();
        } else {
            report = "Nothing to do.";

        try {
            IApplicationInstance appInstance = vhost.getApplication(app).getAppInstance("_definst_");

            if (!appInstance.getPublishStreamNames().contains(streamName)) {
                report = "Live stream " + streamName + " does not exist.";

            if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("start") && report.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(String.format("%s.%s: %s", CLASSNAME, "start", streamName));

                String streamTypeStr = appInstance.getStreamType();

                boolean isLiveRepeaterEdge = false;
                while (true) {
                    StreamList streamDefs = appInstance.getVHost().getStreamTypes();
                    StreamItem streamDef = streamDefs.getStreamDef(streamTypeStr);
                    if (streamDef == null)
                    isLiveRepeaterEdge = streamDef.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("isLiveRepeaterEdge",

                if (isLiveRepeaterEdge)
                    streamName = MediaStreamMediaCasterUtils.mapMediaCasterName(appInstance, null, streamName);

                IMediaStream stream = appInstance.getStreams().getStream(streamName);
                if (stream != null) {
                    startRecording(stream, recordingName);
                    report = action + " " + streamName + " as " + recordingName;
                } else {
                    WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(String.format("%s.%s: stream '%s' not found.", CLASSNAME, "start", streamName));
                    report = "Stream Not Found: " + streamName;

            } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("stop") & report.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(String.format("%s.%s: %s", CLASSNAME, "stop", streamName));

                String path = stopRecording(streamName);
                report = action + " " + streamName + " " + path;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            report = "Error: " + e.getMessage();

        String retStr = "<html><head><title>HTTPProvider DvrStreamRecord</title></head><body><h1>" + report + "</h1></body></html>";

        try {
            OutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream();
            byte[] outBytes = retStr.getBytes();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME + ": " + e.toString());


    public void startRecording(IMediaStream stream, String recordingName) {

        String streamName = stream.getName();

        // add it to the recorders list
        synchronized (dvrRecorders) {
            // Stop previous recorder
            ILiveStreamDvrRecorder prevRecorder = dvrRecorders.get(streamName);
            if (prevRecorder != null && prevRecorder.isRecording()) {

            // get the stream's DVR recorder and save it in a map of recorders
            ILiveStreamDvrRecorder dvrRecorder = stream.getDvrRecorder(IDvrConstants.DVR_DEFAULT_RECORDER_ID);

            if (dvrRecorder != null) {

                if (dvrRecorder.isRecording()) {

                // start recording

                dvrRecorders.put(streamName, dvrRecorder);

            } else {
                WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(String.format("%s.%s: DVR Recorder not found for stream '%s'.", CLASSNAME, "start", streamName));

    public String stopRecording(String streamName) {
        String path = "";
        ILiveStreamDvrRecorder dvrRecorder = null;
        synchronized (dvrRecorders) {
            dvrRecorder = dvrRecorders.remove(streamName);

        if (dvrRecorder != null) {
            IDvrStreamManager dvrManager = dvrRecorder.getDvrManager();
            if (dvrManager != null) {
                IDvrStreamStore store = dvrManager.getRecordingStreamStore();
                IDvrFileSystem fs = store.getFileSystem();
                path = fs.getBasePath();

            // stop recording

            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        } else {
            WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(String.format("%s.%s: DVR Manager not found for stream '%s'.", CLASSNAME, "stop", streamName));

        return path;