Use generic Stream Target class to prepare Apple HLS streams for ad insertion with the Wowza Streaming Engine Java API

You can use the generic Stream Target class in the Wowza Streaming Engine™ Java API to prepare Apple HLS streams for ad-insertion based on SCTE-35 events that are present in live MPEG-TS source streams. The resulting Apple HLS live streams are written to disk with the chunks broken at ad-insertion points and the media playlist contains EXT-X-CUE-IN and EXT-X-CUE-OUT headers at ad-insertion points.

  • The code examples in this article do not describe a complete solution.
  • Wowza Streaming Engine 4.5.0 or later is required.


To convert the SCTE-35 splice events in live MPEG-TS source streams to onCUE events, the built-in packet identifier (PID) monitor RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE is used. For details, see Monitor MPEG-TS ingestion to process additional data streams with the Wowza Streaming Engine Java API.

To process the resultant Apple HLS streams and splice and mark the CUE points, the generic Stream Target API is used. For details, see Send Apple HLS streams to a generic destination.

The following code example uses the generic Stream Target API to process each Apple HLS chunk. Along with the chunk data, each chunk also includes an array of data events that occurred during that time period. The RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE PID monitor listens for SCTE-35 splice events and inserts onCUE events into the stream. An onCUE event occurs at the start (OUT) and end (IN) of each ad-insertion point. The sample processes the onCUE and finds the splice points in each chunk. When a splice point is encountered in a chunk, the chunk is re-broken at the splice point (media data is either appended to the previous chunk or pre-pended to the next chunk). EXT-X-CUE-IN and EXT-X-CUE-OUT headers are added to the media playlist to mark the location of where the ad break points start and end.


  1. Create an application for live streaming (for this example, we'll use an application named testlive).
  2. Create a [install-dir]/content/ file that points to your MPEG-TS stream with SCTE-35 captions:
    {url:"udp://", mpegtsAudioIsAligned:false, mpegtsVideoIsAligned:false, mpegtsMapTimeToSystemTime:true}
  3. Edit StartupStreams.xml and add a stream for RTP ingestion (MPEG-TS stream with SCTE-35 markers). (For this example, we'll use the stream name
  4. Open [install-dir]/conf/testlive/Application.xml in a text editor and make the following changes:
    • Turn on Transcoder and configure it to use the transcode.xml template (for this example, we didn't edit transcode.xml, which 360p and 160p renditions enabled by default) by setting <Transcoder>/<LiveStreamTranscoder> to transcoder and <Transcoder>/<Templates> to ${SourceStreamName}.xml,transcode.xml.
    • Enable the RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE MPEG-TS SCTE-35 PID monitor by adding the following properties to the <RTP>/<Properties> container:
    • Add the Push Publishing module as the last entry in the <Modules> container:
      	<Description>Wowza PushPublishing Module</Description>
  5. Edit/Create the [install-dir]/conf/PushPublishProfilesCustom.xml file and add an entry for the custom generic Stream Target (Java code for this class is shown below. You may need to change the class path if a different path is used.):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    				<Name>Cupertino File</Name>
  6. Edit [install-dir]/conf/PushPublishMap.txt and add map entries for your live stream (change file.root to point to the local directory, which is where the playlists and chunks will be written):
    mpegts.stream_720p={"entryName":"cupertino-file-360p", "profile":"cupertino-file", "debugLog":"true", "streamName":"myStream-360p", "destinationName":"filesystem", "file.root":"C:/code/wse/install/cupertino-file", "cupertino.playlistCount":100, "adaptiveGroups":"group1"}
    mpegts.stream_360p={"entryName":"cupertino-file-160p", "profile":"cupertino-file", "debugLog":"true", "streamName":"myStream-240p", "destinationName":"filesystem", "file.root":"C:/code/wse/install/cupertino-file", "cupertino.playlistCount":100, "adaptiveGroups":"group1"}

Code examples


The generic Stream Target file handler that's used to process the Apple HLS chunks and playlists.

package com.wowza.wms.plugin.test2.pushpublish;

import java.util.*;

import com.wowza.util.*;
import com.wowza.wms.amf.*;
import com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.cupertinostreaming.httpstreamer.*;
import com.wowza.wms.httpstreamer.cupertinostreaming.livestreampacketizer.*;
import com.wowza.wms.logging.*;
import com.wowza.wms.manifest.model.m3u8.*;
import com.wowza.wms.manifest.model.m3u8.tag.*;
import com.wowza.wms.manifest.writer.m3u8.*;
import com.wowza.wms.pushpublish.protocol.cupertino.*;
import com.wowza.wms.server.*;
import com.wowza.wms.util.*;

public class PushPublishHTTPCupertinoChunkSplitterFileHandler extends PushPublishHTTPCupertino
	private static final Class<PushPublishHTTPCupertinoChunkSplitterFileHandler> CLASS = PushPublishHTTPCupertinoChunkSplitterFileHandler.class;
	private static final String CLASSNAME = "PushPublishHTTPCupertinoChunkSplitterFileHandler";

	public static final String EVENTNAME_ONCUE = "onCUE";

	public static final int SPLICETYPE_OUT = 1;
	public static final int SPLICETYPE_IN = 2;

	public static final int SPLICEAPPENDDATA_OPERATION_PREPEND = 1;
	public static final int SPLICEAPPENDDATA_OPERATION_APPEND = 2;

	public static final String SPLICECOMMAND_INSERT = "insert";

	class SpliceEvent
		protected long eventId = 0;
		protected long breakDuration = 0;
		protected int spliceType = 0;
		protected long currTime = 0;

		SpliceEvent(long eventId, long breakDuration, int spliceType)
			this.eventId = eventId;
			this.breakDuration = breakDuration;
			this.spliceType = spliceType;
			this.currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

	class SpliceLocation
		protected long timecode = 0;
		protected SpliceEvent spliceEvent = null;

		public SpliceLocation(SpliceEvent spliceEvent, long timecode)
			this.spliceEvent = spliceEvent;
			this.timecode = timecode;

	class SpliceChunkInfo
		protected int chunkIndex = 0;
		protected long chunkIndexByTime = 0;
		protected long durationAdjustment = 0;
		protected SpliceEvent spliceEvent = null;

		public SpliceChunkInfo(int chunkIndex, long chunkIndexByTime)
			this.chunkIndex = chunkIndex;
			this.chunkIndexByTime = chunkIndexByTime;

	class SpliceAppendData
		protected int operation = 0;
		protected int chunkIndex = 0;
		protected MediaSegmentModel mediaSegmentSource = null;
		protected CupertinoChunkMap chunkMap = null;
		protected CupertinoChunkMapItem mapItem = null;
		protected SpliceEvent spliceEvent = null;
		protected PacketFragmentList fragmentList = null;
		protected long durationMove = 0;

	class PlaylistHolder
		protected PlaylistModel playlist = null;
		protected String destinationFilePath = null;
		protected String groupName = null;

		PlaylistHolder(PlaylistModel playlist, String destinationFilePath, String groupName)
			this.playlist = playlist;
			this.destinationFilePath = destinationFilePath;
			this.groupName = groupName;

		PlaylistHolder(PlaylistModel playlist, String destinationFilePath)
			this.playlist = playlist;
			this.destinationFilePath = destinationFilePath;

	class MediaSegmentHolder
		protected MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment = null;
		protected String destinationFilePath = null;

		public MediaSegmentHolder(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment, String destinationFilePath)
			this.mediaSegment = mediaSegment;
			this.destinationFilePath = destinationFilePath;

	protected File rootDir = null;
	protected boolean backup = false;
	protected String groupName = null;

	protected PlaylistHolder pendingGroupMasterPlaylist = null;
	protected PlaylistHolder pendingMasterPlaylist = null;
	protected PlaylistHolder pendingMediaPlaylist = null;
	protected MediaSegmentHolder pendingMediaSegment = null;

	protected int spliceEventIdsHandledMax = 100;
	protected List<String> spliceEventIdsHandled = new ArrayList<String>();
	protected Map<Long, SpliceLocation> spliceLocations = new HashMap<Long, SpliceLocation>();
	protected Map<Long, SpliceChunkInfo> spliceChunkInfoMap = new HashMap<Long, SpliceChunkInfo>();
	protected List<SpliceAppendData> spliceAppendDataList = new ArrayList<SpliceAppendData>();

	public PushPublishHTTPCupertinoChunkSplitterFileHandler() throws LicensingException

	public void load(HashMap<String, String> dataMap)

		String destStr = PushPublishUtils.removeMapString(dataMap, "file.root");
		if (destStr != null)
			this.rootDir = new File(destStr );
			logInfo("load", "Using: " + this.rootDir);
			if (!this.rootDir.exists())
				logInfo("load", "Created destination folder: " + this.rootDir);

	public boolean updateGroupMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI(String groupName, PlaylistModel masterPlaylist)
		boolean retVal = true;
		String newPath = "../" + groupName + "/" + masterPlaylist.getUri().getPath();
			masterPlaylist.setUri(new URI(newPath));
			this.groupName = groupName;
		catch (Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".updateGroupMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI: Invalid path " + newPath, e);
			retVal = false;
		return retVal;

	public boolean updateMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI(PlaylistModel playlist)
		boolean retVal = true;

		String path = "../" + getDstStreamName() + (this.backup ? "-b/":"/") + playlist.getUri().toString();
			playlist.setUri(new URI(path));
		catch (URISyntaxException e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".updateMasterPlaylistPlaybackURI: Failed to update master playlist to " + path, e);
			retVal = false;
		return retVal;

	public boolean updateMediaPlaylistPlaybackURI(PlaylistModel playlist)
		boolean retVal = true;

		String path = "../" + getDstStreamName() + (this.backup ? "-b/":"/") + playlist.getUri().toString();
			playlist.setUri(new URI(path));
		catch (URISyntaxException e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".updateMediaPlaylistPlaybackURI: Failed to update media playlist to " + path, e);
			retVal = false;
		return retVal;

	public boolean updateMediaSegmentPlaybackURI(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
		boolean retVal = true;
		String newPath = mediaSegment.getUri().getPath();

		// to prevent overriding prior segements if the stream were to reset,
		// we'll use the sessionStr to create a sub directory to keep the
		// media segments in.

			String temp = getRandomSessionStr() + "/" + newPath;
			mediaSegment.setUri(new URI(temp));
		catch (Exception e)
			retVal = false;
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".updateMediaSegmentPlaybackURI: Invalid path " + newPath, e);
		return retVal;

	private int writePlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist, FileOutputStream output) throws IOException
		int retVal = 0;
		ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

		PlaylistWriter writer = new PlaylistWriter(out, getContextStr());
		if (writer.write(playlist))
			String outStr = out.toString();
			byte[] bytes = outStr.getBytes();
			retVal = bytes.length;

		return retVal;

	private int writePlaylist(PlaylistHolder playlistHolder)
		int retVal = 0;
		FileOutputStream output = null;
			File playlistFile = new File(playlistHolder.destinationFilePath);
			if (!playlistFile.exists())

			output = new FileOutputStream(playlistFile, false);  // don't append
			retVal = writePlaylist(playlistHolder.playlist, output);
		catch (Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".writePlaylist: Failed to send master playlist to: " + playlistHolder.destinationFilePath, e);
			if (output != null)
				try {
				} catch (Exception e2)

		return retVal;

	public int sendGroupMasterPlaylist(String groupName, PlaylistModel playlist)
		File destinationDir = getDestionationGroupDir();
		if (!destinationDir.exists())

		String destinationFilePath = destinationDir + "/" + playlist.getUri();

		// we are holding back on chunk for splicing - do the same for playlists
		pendingGroupMasterPlaylist = new PlaylistHolder(playlist, destinationFilePath, groupName);

		return 1;

	public int sendMasterPlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist)
		File destinationDir = getDestionationDir();
		if (!destinationDir.exists())

		String destinationFilePath = destinationDir + "/" + playlist.getUri();

		// we are holding back on chunk for splicing - do the same for playlists
		pendingMasterPlaylist = new PlaylistHolder(playlist, destinationFilePath);

		return 1;

	// Adjust the durations and target duration of media playlist
	private void adjustMediaPlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist)
			int chunkIdCurr = 0;
			TagModelTargetDuration tagTargetDuration = null;

			double maxDuration = 0.0;
			List<TagModel> tags = playlist.tags;

			class TagHolder
				TagModel tag = null;
				int index = 0;

				public TagHolder(TagModel tag, int index)
					this.tag = tag;
					this.index = index;

			LinkedList<TagHolder> tagsToAdd = new LinkedList<TagHolder>();

			int tagIndex = 0;
			for(TagModel tag : tags)
				if (tag instanceof TagModelMediaSequence)
					TagModelMediaSequence tagMediaSequence = (TagModelMediaSequence)tag;

					chunkIdCurr = tagMediaSequence.getNumber().intValue();
				else if (tag instanceof TagModelTargetDuration)
					tagTargetDuration = (TagModelTargetDuration)tag;
				else if (tag instanceof TagModelINF)
					TagModelINF tagINF = (TagModelINF)tag;

					Object durationObj = tagINF.getDuration();

					float duration = 0;
					if (durationObj instanceof Integer)
						duration = ((Integer)durationObj).intValue();
					else if (durationObj instanceof Float)
						duration = ((Float)durationObj).floatValue();

					SpliceChunkInfo chunkInfo = spliceChunkInfoMap.get(new Long(chunkIdCurr));
					if (chunkInfo != null)
						// update chunk durations if needed due to splicing
						if (chunkInfo.durationAdjustment != 0)
							// trying to be precise to the millisecond

							long durationLong = Math.round(duration*1000)+chunkInfo.durationAdjustment;

							String decimalStr = (durationLong%1000)+"";
							while(decimalStr.length() < 3)
								decimalStr = "0"+decimalStr;

							duration = Float.parseFloat((durationLong/1000)+"."+decimalStr);

						// add CUE-OUT and CUE-IN headers
						if (chunkInfo.spliceEvent != null)
							TagModel tagNew = null;

							case SPLICETYPE_OUT:
								tagNew = new TagModelCueOut();
							case SPLICETYPE_IN:
								tagNew = new TagModelCueIn();

							if (tagNew != null)
								TagHolder tagHolder = new TagHolder(tagNew, tagIndex);

					if (duration > maxDuration)
						maxDuration = duration;

					tagINF.setDuration(new Float(duration));



			Iterator<TagHolder> iter = tagsToAdd.descendingIterator();
				TagHolder tagHolder =;
				tags.add(tagHolder.index, tagHolder.tag);

			// update target duration
			if (tagTargetDuration != null)
				int targetDuration = tagTargetDuration.getTargetDuration().intValue();
				int targetDurationNew = (int)Math.ceil(maxDuration);

				if (targetDurationNew > targetDuration)
					tagTargetDuration.setTargetDuration(new Integer(targetDurationNew));
		catch(Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".adjustMediaPlaylist: ", e);

	public int sendMediaPlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist)
		File destinationDir = getDestionationDir();
		if (!destinationDir.exists())

		String destinationFilePath = destinationDir + "/" + playlist.getUri();

		PlaylistHolder sendMediaPlaylist = pendingMediaPlaylist;

		// we are holding back on chunk for splicing - do the same for playlists
		pendingMediaPlaylist = new PlaylistHolder(playlist, destinationFilePath);

		int bytesSent = 0;
		if (sendMediaPlaylist != null)

			bytesSent += writePlaylist(sendMediaPlaylist);

			if (pendingMasterPlaylist != null)
				bytesSent += writePlaylist(pendingMasterPlaylist);
				pendingMasterPlaylist = null;

			if (pendingGroupMasterPlaylist != null)
				bytesSent += writePlaylist(pendingGroupMasterPlaylist);
				pendingGroupMasterPlaylist = null;

		return 1;

	private int writeFragments(PacketFragmentList list, FileOutputStream output) throws IOException
		int bytesWritten = 0;

		Iterator<IPacketFragment> itr = list.getFragments().iterator();
		while (itr.hasNext())
			IPacketFragment fragment =;
			if (fragment.getLen() <= 0)
			byte[] data = fragment.getBuffer();

			bytesWritten += data.length;

		return bytesWritten;

	private int writeMediaSegment(MediaSegmentHolder mediaSegmentHolder)
		int bytesWritten = 0;
		FileOutputStream output = null;
			File file = new File(mediaSegmentHolder.destinationFilePath);
			if (!file.exists())

			PacketFragmentList list = mediaSegmentHolder.mediaSegment.getFragmentList();
			if (list != null)
				output = new FileOutputStream(file, false);
				bytesWritten = writeFragments(list, output);
		catch (Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".writeMediaSegment: Failed to send media segment data to " + mediaSegmentHolder.destinationFilePath, e);
			if (output != null)
				catch (Exception e)

		return bytesWritten;

	// inspect data events for each chunk and look for onCUE events - interpret the splice points
	private void extractSplicePoints(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
			LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk chunkInfo = (LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk)mediaSegment.getChunkInfoCupertino();
			if (chunkInfo != null)
				CupertinoStreamingRendition rendition = chunkInfo.getRendition();
				List<AMFPacket> dataPackets = chunkInfo.getDataPackets();

				if (dataPackets != null && dataPackets.size() > 0)
					for(AMFPacket packet: dataPackets)
								byte[] buffer = packet.getData();
								if (buffer == null)
									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(CLASSNAME+".sendMediaSegment: AMF data packet, buffer null");

								AMFDataList amfDataList = new AMFDataList(buffer);

								if (amfDataList.size() < 1 || amfDataList.getType(0) != AMFData.DATA_TYPE_STRING)

								// looking for onCUE events
								String eventStr = amfDataList.getString(0);
								AMFDataObj cueObj = amfDataList.getObject(1);
								if (!EVENTNAME_ONCUE.equals(eventStr))

								if (amfDataList.size() < 2 || amfDataList.getType(1) != AMFData.DATA_TYPE_OBJECT)
									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(CLASSNAME+".sendMediaSegment: AMF data packet, incorrect AMFList data [second item not object]");

								AMFDataList: [0] onCUE, [1] object
								version: 1.0, 
								protocolVersion: 0.0, 
								encryptedPacket: false, 
								encryptionAlgorithm: 0.0, 
								ptsAdjustment: 0.0, 
								cwIndex: 255.0, 
								encryptedCRC: -1.0, 
								command: {Obj[]: 
									SpliceCommand: "insert", 
									event: {Obj[]: 
										eventID: 1.073745171E9, 
										cancel: false, 
										outOfNetwork: true, 
										programSplice: true, 
										durationFlag: true, 
										spliceImmediate: false, 
										programID: 0.0, 
										availNum: 0.0, 
										availsExpected: 0.0, 
										breakDuration: 9270000.0, 
										breakDurationAutoReturn: false, 
										spliceTime: {Obj[]: 
											isSpecified: true, 
											isUTC: false, 
											spliceTime: 2.244440255E9, 
											spliceTimeMS: 9.7854748856E10}, 
										componentSplices: {Obj[]: }}}, 
										descriptor: {Obj[]: 0: "Descriptor (0) : (8) "}}

								AMFDataObj commandObj = cueObj.getObject("command");
								if (commandObj == null)
									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(CLASSNAME+".sendMediaSegment: onCUE, command obj missing");

								String spliceCommand = commandObj.getString("SpliceCommand");
								if (!SPLICECOMMAND_INSERT.equals(spliceCommand))
									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(CLASSNAME+".sendMediaSegment: onCUE, incorrect splice comamnd: "+spliceCommand);

								AMFDataObj eventObj = commandObj.getObject("event");
								if (eventObj == null)
									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(CLASSNAME+".sendMediaSegment: onCUE, event obj missing");

								AMFDataObj spliceTimeObj = eventObj.getObject("spliceTime");
								if (spliceTimeObj == null)
									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).warn(CLASSNAME+".sendMediaSegment: onCUE, spliceTime obj missing");

								long eventId = eventObj.getLong("eventID");
								boolean outOfNetwork = eventObj.getBoolean("outOfNetwork");
								long ptsAdjustment = cueObj.getLong("ptsAdjustment");
								long breakDuration = eventObj.getLong("breakDuration");
								long spliceTime = spliceTimeObj.getLong("spliceTime");
								long spliceTimeMS = spliceTimeObj.getLong("spliceTimeMS");

								String eventIdObj = eventId+":"+outOfNetwork+":"+ptsAdjustment+":"+breakDuration+":"+spliceTime; // factor out duplicated

								// if not an event we have already processed - TS stream could contain duplicate events
								if (!spliceEventIdsHandled.contains(eventIdObj))
									if (this.pushPublishStreamDebug)
										WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+".extractSplicePoints["+eventId+"]: obj:"+cueObj.toString());

									while(spliceEventIdsHandled.size() > spliceEventIdsHandledMax)

									int spliceType = (outOfNetwork?SPLICETYPE_OUT:SPLICETYPE_IN);

									// add a splice event that we will use to split the chunk
									SpliceEvent spliceEvent = new SpliceEvent(eventId, breakDuration/90, spliceType);
									SpliceLocation spliceLocation = new SpliceLocation(spliceEvent, spliceTimeMS + (ptsAdjustment/90));

									spliceLocations.put(new Long(spliceLocation.timecode), spliceLocation);

									WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+".extractSplicePoints: spliceEvent[id:"+eventId+":"+(outOfNetwork?"out":"in")+"]: tc:"+spliceLocation.timecode+" duration:"+(spliceEvent.breakDuration/90));
						catch(Exception e)
							WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".extractSplicePoints: ", e);
		catch(Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".extractSplicePoints: ", e);

	private int getPMTOffset(CupertinoChunkMap chunkMap)
		int offset = 0;

		List<CupertinoChunkMapItem> items = chunkMap.getItems();
		for(CupertinoChunkMapItem item : items)
			int tsType = item.getTSType();

			if (tsType == CupertinoTSHolder.TSTYPE_PATPMT)
				offset = item.getOffset()+item.getLen();

		return offset;

	// append or prepend data to this segment if needed
	private void appendSegementData(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
			if (spliceAppendDataList.size() > 0)
				Iterator<SpliceAppendData> iter = spliceAppendDataList.iterator();

					SpliceAppendData spliceAppendData =;

					LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk chunk = (LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk)mediaSegment.getChunkInfoCupertino();
					if (chunk != null)
						int chunkIndex = chunk.getChunkIndex();

						SpliceChunkInfo spliceChunkInfo = spliceChunkInfoMap.get(new Long(chunkIndex));

						// this is the chunk to which we need to append/prepend data
						if (spliceChunkInfo != null && chunkIndex == spliceAppendData.chunkIndex)

							// this chunk is beginning of the splice event
							if (spliceAppendData.spliceEvent != null)
								spliceChunkInfo.spliceEvent = spliceAppendData.spliceEvent;

							// adjust the chunk duration for the spliced data
							spliceChunkInfo.durationAdjustment += spliceAppendData.durationMove;

							// append/prepend the data to the chunk
							PacketFragmentList fragmentList = mediaSegment.getFragmentList().clone();

							List<IPacketFragment> fragments = spliceAppendData.fragmentList.getFragments();
								for(IPacketFragment fragment : fragments)
								int insertLoc = 0;
								for(IPacketFragment fragment : fragments)
									fragmentList.addPacketFragment(insertLoc, fragment);

		catch(Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".appendSegementData: ", e);

	// see if splice points are in the current chunk
	private void handleSplicePoints(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment, LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk chunk, SpliceChunkInfo spliceChunkInfo)
			int chunkIndex = chunk.getChunkIndex();
			long chunkIndexByTime = chunk.getChunkIndexByTime();

			Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, SpliceLocation>> iter = spliceLocations.entrySet().iterator();

				Map.Entry<Long, SpliceLocation> entry =;

				long timecode = entry.getKey().longValue();
				SpliceLocation spliceLocation = entry.getValue();

				long durationTotal = chunk.getDuration();

				// is splice point in current chunk
				if (timecode >= chunk.getStartTimecode() && timecode < (chunk.getStartTimecode()+durationTotal))

					CupertinoChunkMap chunkMap = chunk.getChunkMap();
					List<CupertinoChunkMapItem> items = chunkMap.getItems();

					// find the splice point in the chunk map
					int tolerance = 10;
					int videoIndex = 0;
					CupertinoChunkMapItem itemLast = null;
					CupertinoChunkMapItem itemMatch = null;
					int videoIndexMatch = 0;
					for(CupertinoChunkMapItem item : items)
						int tsType = item.getTSType();
						if (tsType == CupertinoTSHolder.TSTYPE_VIDEO)
							int diff = (int)Math.abs(item.getTimecode()-timecode);
							if (diff <= tolerance)
								itemMatch = item;
								videoIndexMatch = videoIndex;
							else if (item.getTimecode() > timecode)
								itemMatch = itemLast;
								videoIndexMatch = videoIndex-1;

							if (itemMatch != null)
								WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+".extractSplicePoints: foundIt["+chunk.getChunkIndex()+"]: "+diff+":"+tolerance);

							itemLast = item;

					// of no match then must be last item in the list
					if (itemMatch == null)
						itemMatch = itemLast;

					if (itemMatch != null)
						long durationMove = (itemMatch.getTimecode()-chunk.getStartTimecode());

						// if not the first item in the chunk - break the chunk and the splice point
						if (videoIndexMatch > 0 && durationMove > 0)
							SpliceAppendData spliceAppendData = new SpliceAppendData();

							PacketFragmentList fragmentList = mediaSegment.getFragmentList();
							PacketFragmentList fragmentListAppend = fragmentList.clone();
							int pmtOffset = getPMTOffset(chunkMap);
							int fragmentListTotalSize = fragmentList.size();

							// if splice point is in first 1/2 of the chunk append to previous chunk
							if (durationMove <= durationTotal/2)
								// append previous
								spliceAppendData.operation = SPLICEAPPENDDATA_OPERATION_APPEND;
								spliceAppendData.chunkIndex = chunkIndex-1;

								PacketFragmentList fragmentListNew = fragmentList.clone();
								fragmentListNew.removeBytes(pmtOffset, itemMatch.getOffset()-pmtOffset);

								fragmentListAppend.removeBytes(itemMatch.getOffset(), fragmentListTotalSize-itemMatch.getOffset());
								fragmentListAppend.removeBytes(0, pmtOffset);

								spliceChunkInfo.durationAdjustment = -durationMove;
								spliceAppendData.durationMove = -spliceChunkInfo.durationAdjustment;

								spliceChunkInfo.spliceEvent = spliceLocation.spliceEvent; // this chunk has the splice event
							else // if splice point is in second 1/2 of the chunk prepend to next chunk
								// prepend next
								spliceAppendData.operation = SPLICEAPPENDDATA_OPERATION_PREPEND;
								spliceAppendData.chunkIndex = chunkIndex+1;

								PacketFragmentList fragmentListNew = fragmentList.clone();
								fragmentListNew.removeBytes(itemMatch.getOffset(), fragmentListTotalSize-itemMatch.getOffset());

								fragmentListAppend.removeBytes(pmtOffset, itemMatch.getOffset()-pmtOffset);

								spliceChunkInfo.durationAdjustment = -(durationTotal-durationMove);
								spliceAppendData.durationMove = -spliceChunkInfo.durationAdjustment;

								spliceAppendData.spliceEvent = spliceLocation.spliceEvent; // next chunk has splice event

							spliceAppendData.mediaSegmentSource = mediaSegment;
							spliceAppendData.chunkMap = chunkMap;
							spliceAppendData.mapItem = itemMatch;
							spliceAppendData.fragmentList = fragmentListAppend;

							spliceChunkInfo.spliceEvent = spliceLocation.spliceEvent;

						WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+".extractSplicePoints: durationMove["+chunk.getChunkIndex()+"]:"+durationMove);
		catch(Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".handleSplicePoints: ", e);

	// look for splice points in the stream and process accordingly
	private void processMediaSegmentEvents(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment, MediaSegmentModel lastMediaSegment)
			LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk chunk = (LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk)mediaSegment.getChunkInfoCupertino();
			if (chunk != null)
				int chunkIndex = chunk.getChunkIndex();
				long chunkIndexByTime = chunk.getChunkIndexByTime();

				SpliceChunkInfo spliceChunkInfo = new SpliceChunkInfo(chunkIndex, chunkIndexByTime);

				spliceChunkInfoMap.put(new Long(chunkIndex), spliceChunkInfo);

				CupertinoStreamingRendition rendition = chunk.getRendition();
				if (rendition.isAudioVideo() || rendition.isVideoOnly())
					// extract splice points from the onCUE events

					// if there are splice points - see if they are in the current chunk
					if (spliceLocations.size() > 0)
						handleSplicePoints(mediaSegment, chunk, spliceChunkInfo);
		catch(Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".processMediaSegmentEvents: ", e);

	public int sendMediaSegment(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
		File destinationDir = getDestionationDir();
		String path = destinationDir + "/" + mediaSegment.getUri();
		int idx = path.lastIndexOf("/media_");
		path = path.substring(0,idx);

		File file = new File(path);

		if (!file.exists())

		String destinationFilePath = destinationDir + "/" + mediaSegment.getUri();

		MediaSegmentHolder sendMediaSegment = this.pendingMediaSegment;

		// hold back on chunk for splicing
		this.pendingMediaSegment = new MediaSegmentHolder(mediaSegment, destinationFilePath);

		int retVal = 0;
		if (sendMediaSegment != null)
			// process data events looking for onCUE events and find splice points
			processMediaSegmentEvents(mediaSegment, sendMediaSegment.mediaSegment);

			// append/prepend data to current chunk

			retVal += writeMediaSegment(sendMediaSegment);

		return 1;

	public int deleteMediaSegment(MediaSegmentModel mediaSegment)
		int retVal = 0;

			// delete per-chunk data from spliceChunkInfoMap as chunk is deleted from the list
			LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk chunk = (LiveStreamPacketizerCupertinoChunk)mediaSegment.getChunkInfoCupertino();
			if (chunk != null)
				int chunkIndex = chunk.getChunkIndex();
				spliceChunkInfoMap.remove(new Long(chunkIndex));
		catch(Exception e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".deleteMediaSegment: ", e);

		File segment = new File(getDestionationDir() + "/" + mediaSegment.getUri());
		if (segment.exists())
			if (segment.delete())
				retVal = 1;

		return retVal;

	public void setSendToBackupServer(boolean backup)
		this.backup = backup;

	public boolean isSendToBackupServer()
		return this.backup;

	public boolean outputOpen()
		return true;

	public boolean outputClose()
		return true;

	public String getDestionationLogData()
		File destinationDir = getDestionationDir();
		String retVal = "Invalid Destination " + destinationDir.toString();
			retVal = destinationDir.toURI().toURL().toString();
		catch (MalformedURLException e)
			WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".getDestionationLogData: Unable to convert " + destinationDir + " to valid path", e);

		return retVal;

	private File getDestionationDir()
		if (!this.backup)
			return new File(this.rootDir + "/" + getDstStreamName());
		return new File(this.rootDir + "/" + "/" + getDstStreamName()+"-b");

	private File getDestionationGroupDir()
		if (!this.backup)
			return new File(this.rootDir + "/" + this.groupName);
		return new File(this.rootDir + "/" + getDstStreamName()+"-b");



The generic Stream Target header tag for EXT-X-CUE-IN.

package com.wowza.wms.plugin.test2.pushpublish;


import com.wowza.wms.manifest.model.m3u8.tag.*;
import com.wowza.wms.manifest.writer.m3u8.*;

public class TagModelCueIn extends TagModel
	public TagModelCueIn()

	public boolean validForMasterPlaylist()
		return false;

	public boolean validForMediaPlaylist()
		return true;

	public String toString()
		return "#" + tagName;

	public void write(TagWriter writer) throws IOException

	public boolean isMediaSegmentTag()
		return false;

	public boolean isValid(Integer version)
		return true;


The generic Stream Target header tag for EXT-X-CUE-OUT.

package com.wowza.wms.plugin.test2.pushpublish;


import com.wowza.wms.manifest.model.m3u8.tag.*;
import com.wowza.wms.manifest.writer.m3u8.*;

public class TagModelCueOut extends TagModel
	public TagModelCueOut()

	public boolean validForMasterPlaylist()
		return false;

	public boolean validForMediaPlaylist()
		return true;

	public String toString()
		return "#" + tagName;

	public void write(TagWriter writer) throws IOException

	public boolean isMediaSegmentTag()
		return false;

	public boolean isValid(Integer version)
		return true;